A downtown Indianapolis Engagement amidst the snow of a bomb cyclone.
My sister got engaged!!!! She had been counting the days to Christmas 2022 because she absolutely knew her fiance had better propose by then, or else. What she didn’t know was that I sneakily bought a flight and flew up to Indy to surprise her. The day of my flight, I was also made aware of the worst snow storm headed to the Midwest in years, happily nicknamed the bomb cyclone. And it was supposed to spiral downwards from 40 degrees to the negatives in a matter of hours. In the middle of the engagement. Nonetheless, Alex said I should still try to go and pray my flight the next morning wouldn’t be blizzard-ed out.
We decided on an indoor location, and I knew the windows looking out onto downtown from the ArtsGarden would be super lovely. We brought candles and a cake from our friend Gwendolyn Lee Cakes that thoughtfully said “Marry Me?”, and stole a table from the venue to make the space feel more like a destination. Telling Katey that they were headed into a baking class, Caleb anxiously made his way to us, trusting us that everything was ready. It was.
We were so relieved that the staff at the Mall was happy to let us invade their space for a few minutes and it truly was a seamless experience. A few pics at the Circle, and we were home before the ice got too crazy. Oh. And I made my flight 🙂

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